Join the Global Fight Against Authoritarianism to Prevent it From Coming to Our Shores!

In the 1940's the United States led the global fight against fascism and won.  From the late-1940's to the early 1990's the United States led the fight against communist totalitarianism and won.  The fight of the new millennium is against a global wave of authoritarianism that now threatens our shores.  The US must again lead the global fight against oppression as it did in past decades.    


Authoritarianism is a form of government or political ideology that opposes the expression of individual freedom, that limits the people's ability to control their government, and that abuses public office to maintain power and enrich personal interests.  The map above shows the state of the global fight against authoritarianism in early 2017.  As you can see, fully a third of the world lives under a government where the people have no control over their own affairs and where personal liberty is crushed.  Further, countless more people are at risk in countries where authoritarian political movements are gaining strength.       

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