Pass the MAR-A-LAGO Act to Find Out Who Is Buying Influence with President Trump
Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago golf club in Florida charges members $200,000 for the chance to influence the President. Trump himself admits he seeks advice from members of his golf club. Regardless of political party, all Americans should be appalled that the President is openly engaging in influence peddling and possible bribery. Luckily, some novel-thinking representatives and senators have stepped up and proposed the MAR-A-LAGO Act, which would require the publication of the visitor logs at Mar-a-Lago as well as any other place the President conducts business.
The MAR-A-LAGO Act is an excellent first step in creating the transparency Donald Trump so strenuously avoids. But it does not go far enough. Donald Trump has spent nearly 25% of his time in office at his golf club, with each trip costing taxpayers $3 million. And a sizable portion of that $3 million in public funds goes into Donald Trump's pockets since it pays for room rentals at his privately-owned Mar-a-Lago club. This is legal looting of the public treasury by President Trump and cannot be allowed to continue. And don't forget the big question: Since the President is spending a sizable amount of his time golfing and carousing at his club, who is really calling the shots?
Use the link below to contact your Representatives and Senators to demand passage of the MAR-A-LAGO Act with additional provisions requiring that any expenses currently paid by taxpayers related to properties owned by President Trump be paid by President Trump. To be blunt, the President is a billionaire and it is ridiculous for the public to foot the bill for his frequent "vacations" where he sells influence.
Scroll further down to learn more about Trump's influence-peddling at Mar-a-Lago - you are paying for it after all!
selling influence on the taxpayers' dime, open to spying, "Southern WHite House" used for trump's frequent vacations - learn about trump's open corruption in mar-a-lago
Donald Trump is continuing his goal of being the most openly corrupt President in history by blatantly peddling influence at Mar-a-Lago while the public foots the bill. Not only that, reports indicate that security at Mar-a-Lago is lax, leaving it susceptible to spying.
But the big questions is this: Since the President is spending a sizable amount of his time golfing and carousing at his club, who is really calling the shots?